The adventures of Tamar & Co.

The incredible and continuing adventures of Tamar Rebecca Mankowitz and her travels in the new and unusual world.

Monday, November 06, 2006

I look mean but am so sweet

Update;my language has just exploded. I have a ton of words apple, fish, all done, up, down, peek-a-boo, ball, ouch (to any warm food),juice, shoes, jacket and I know all of my body parts so that my folks can show me off. I still love dolls, purses and really have a thing for shoes. Although I do like to unplug clocks and remove all items from all drawers I am really a very sweet girl with a sweet tooth ( I love M&Ms). If Il ook upset above it's just because my Steeler's just lost to Denver in a rotten game of fumbles and interceptions. Usually, I am all smiles. Posted by Picasa

Sorry Zack,no sleep for you tonight!

I love to keep my brothers up late. So I jump in their beds at night and cover them with kisses and pull at their noses as they sleep. Posted by Picasa

Hi there. Newsflash: camera fixed!

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